
The giant dish began this week pointing toward each of the 86 planets -- culled from a list of 1,235 possible planets identified by NASA's Kepler space telescope -- and will gather 24 hours of data on each one.

The mission is part of the SETI project, which stands for Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, launched in the mid 1980s.

"Our search employs the largest fully steerable radio telescope on the planet, and the most sensitive radio telescope in the world capable of undertaking a SETI search of this kind," Siemion told AFP.


这86颗星球,是NASA 开普勒望远镜从1235颗星球中,探测出来的有可能的86个。

该计划名为Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence/搜寻外星智能,是在1980年代提出的。一直拖到了本周才开始启动。据说首先科学家们将监视这86颗星球24小时,并收集相关数据。

研究人员Siemion 说:我们将使用敏感的射线望远镜来收集数据,每秒就可扫描1Ggigabyte 的数据。

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