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家庄朗阁雅思培训学校雅思写作培训班报名进行中,雅思写作老师卢丽丽老师亲自授课,雅思写作培训班石家庄朗阁雅思写作培训班雅思写作班雅思写作培训,欢迎前来听课,小伙伴们抓紧机会赶紧来报名吧。拨打招生热线:15037120869   石家庄朗阁雅思培训:http://sjzlongre.soxsok.com/




1 some people think that it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines or other products intended for human use. others, however, criticise this as animal cruelty. discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.


2 some teachers think it is effective for students to study in groups while others think that it is better to study alone. discuss both views and give your own opinion

3 university students always focus on one specific subject, but some people think that universities should encourage their students to study a wide range of subjects in addition to their own subject. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.

4 Many children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to their studies at school. What are the causes?  What are the possible solutions to this problem?

5 Many people believe that teachers should take the responsibility for the students to judge what is right and wrong and behave well, others feel that teachers should only teach academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


6 nowadays many old cites are rebuilt and redesigned( with older buildings knocked down) in order to look modern. discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice.

Which is a better place for the aged, home or nursing home?

7 The best way for a government to solve the problem of traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?  

8 Nowadays many young people in the workforce change their jobs or careers every few years.   What do you think are the reasons for this?  Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?

9 Some people believe that the best way to produce a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between its richest and poorest members. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

10 Some people think that success of life is based on hard work and determination. Others, however, believe that there are more important factors such as having money or good appearance.   Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.  

11The major cities in the world are growing fast, as well as their problems. What are the problems that young people living in cities are faced with? Give some solutions to these problems.

12 Shops should not be allowed to sell any food or drink that has been scientifically proved to be bad for people's health.   To what extent do you agree or disagree?

13 Nuclear energy is the best source of power in meeting ever-increasing energy needs to what extent do you agree or disagree(能源类)

14 Some languages are increasing in use,while many others are declining. do you think this is a positive or negative development?(语言类)

15 It is important to preserve both the culture and environment of the places you visit, but some

people think it is impossible to be a responsible tourist. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(环境类)

16 As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in a small family units. In your opinion, what is this cause and what are the effects on society.(家庭类)



学校介绍University Profile

  晋城航道国际教育集团 (New Channel International Education Group) 由英语教育 与教学管理胡敏教授创办于2004年。“新航道”三个字源于胡敏教授创办机构时对 其二十一年教育实践经验的总结,下决心在大学的“庙堂英语”和培训机构的“江湖英 语”之间开辟语言教育的新航道。

  晋城新航道国际教育集团下辖语言培训学校、前程留学、好轻松考研、故事研究院、美 国 AP 课程中心、锦秋A-Level、优加青少教育、图书出版事业部、家庭教育研究院 (全 球胜任力研究中心)、国际研学事业部、鲸航科技、AF国际艺术教育、清美A佳画室等多 个分支机构。合作单位包括人民大学、外交学院、首都师范大学、上海师范大学等 学府和学术机构。

  在17年的时间里,新航道国际教育集团在数十个城市开设了学习中心。新航道国际 教育集团以“我坚持,我成功”为精神内涵,坚持“学术、励志、激情”的教学风格, 倡导“精品课程、教学、精致服务”的三精标准,坚持Result(结果)、 Responsibility(责任)、Review(检查)和Reward(激励)相结合的4R个性化教学,扎根学 术土壤、务实教学作风、重视教材研发和汲取进取精神,在教学内容、教材研发、授课 质量、环境服务等多个方面严格自身标准,同行业、学员一起,探索更大的梦想价值。


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