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雅思口语考试Part 2的表现是非常重要的,雅思口语考试Part 2表现的好那么拿就很容易了,以下是新航道小编的整理分享


Part 2是要考核考生对话题的理解能力和表达流畅度,切记要听清楚题,不要着急回答而言不达意,在2分钟的陈述中,要尽量体现出自己的观点和口语表达能力,以下就是为大家整理的是雅思口语Part 2答题技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。

雅思口语Part 2备考要点: 1. 控制好说话的节奏,给自己留出思考的时间; 2. 使用副词可以增加表达的准确度,所以不要吝啬使用; 3. for example 就像一个符号,标志着你的表述即将进入具体直观的部分;


1。雅思的听力是全面衡量考生英语语言的一个重要手段。雅思考试的听力要注意以下几个问题(1)听力考查的范围基本的有十种(即在前期复习过程中提到的听力关键十大场景与辅助场景) (2)语音的范围主要以英音为主,加之加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等英语母语


Well. The language I’ve always wanted to learn is Japanese, because I believe there are multiple benefits of learning it. First of all, I can enjoy Japanese TV dramas without referring to the Chinese subtitles. Moreover, I can travel to Japan independently and communicate with local people. And it even means more job opportunities for me. I can be an interpreter if my company is doing business with Japanese. As we all know, learning a new language is far from being an easy task. I have been fully aware of it since I began to learn English. In order to learn it well, I think it is very necessary to sign up for an elementary course of Japanese first. I can hardly pronounce the basic 50 Japanese letters correctly without the instruction of a qualified teacher. Besides, I need to spare some time everyday to memorize the vocabulary, basic sentence structures, and some expressions frequently used in daily life. I should also make good use of my time by listening to the recordings of texts on my daily commute. Therefore, an MP3 player is a must have for language learners. It’s said that language is like the ocean. We could only learn it drop by drop. Nobody short of perseverance can actually acquire a language. If I can balance my work and the study of Japanese, and keep learning it for a period of time, let’s say two or three years, I’m sure I will be able to communicate with Japanese effortlessly.


One of the most important times in my life, as it is in almost everyone’s life, was when I was sixteen.

I was in high school in Beijing. I was a kind of a shy teenager and only had one friend. We were very close and did everything together. We would often go to each other’s house for sleep overs, and would stay up late at night chatting about everything two children could ever chat about. We were best of friends until one day when we had a terrible misunderstanding. She thought I had told someone a secret that she had told me, and she decided not to be my friend anymore. She made a new best friend and would strut around with her trying to make me jealous. She would gossip with all the other kids about me. I suddenly became an outcast at school, and thus, became utterly lonely and depressed. I thought there was something seriously wrong with me.

It was not until I talked with my cousin about my situation, that I realized it was not me that had a problem but her. I also began to understand that you can not take what others say and do so close to heart, or you will always feel bad about yourself, and will never be able to live your life. I also realized that bad things happen in life, and you can not hide from them; or dig yourself into a hole. I eventually found a new best friend, whom I am still friends with today. I have a more open personality, and I am one of the top students in my college. I believe that situation made me a stronger person. I can handle rejection now wherever it comes from, and just keep rolling with a smile on my face.

Traffic Jam I guess the worse one would be that on the last summer holiday, my parents and I just came back from the vacation we have taken in HangZhou and we are on our way home. Because of the pouring rain that night, we had to drive home for an hour and a half and it will only take us 40 minuntes to drive home without the heavy rain . As we approached a narrow long curving bridge an accident occurred ahead with 4 vehicles and completely closed the road. We all had to stop with no way out in the pouring rain on a very miserable and sad night. We sat there for an hour before the rescue teams were able to arrive. Then We got out of our cars when the rains lightened and walked up to see the damage. Fortunately, no one died in this accident, however some were injured but not too bad. Rescue finally found that it was the drunk driving that caused this accident. I think for those people who dirve after drunk, they are not only risking their own lifes, but also others lifes. It is really irresponsible.

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学校介绍University Profile

新航道国际教育集团(New Channel International Education Group Limited)是由英语培训界领军人物、英语教育胡敏教授率领一批国内外语言培训界及、学者共同创办,美国国际数据集团(IDG)和的教育培训机构美国KAPLAN国际教育集团参与战略投资的国际化语言教育机构。下辖教育文化发展公司、培训学校、留学服务中心、学得快个性化学习中心、各省分校等三十多家机构,合作单位包括北京大学、人民大学、外交学院、高等教育出版社等学府和学术机构。新航道以构建社会语言教育体系为目标,提倡"英语高能",以"我坚持,我成功" 为精神内涵,提出并坚持"学术、励志、激情"的教育理念,凭借着深厚的学术功底、务实的教学作风、强劲的研发能力和旺盛的进取精神成为行业的品牌,在教学内容、教材研发、授课质量、环境服务等多个方面,为业界创立了全新的标准,并不断引领英语培训业的全面升级。








I Will Persist Until I Succeed!-----我坚持,我成功!







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