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如何拓展雅思写作思路  ? 面对茫茫作文题海,不少考生不知所措,准备不全面,心中又没底,毕竟不同的话题要求考生具备不同的观点、词汇。其实雅思写作备考关键在于开阔思路,积累相关写作素材,善于从不同话题中找"共性"。环球教育小编将和大家分享如何让拓展雅思写作的思路,希望能够对大家的写作备考提供帮助。咨询电话:400-0336-031  。


  Arguments for zoos:

  1.Preserve the rare species/endangered animals/wildlife. The habitats of some animals are being destroyed and therefore they are in real danger of dying out. Provide better conditions and professional care and treatment.

  2. Act as an ideal scientific research center. Conduct experiments.

  3. Play an educational role. Enrich our knowledge and widen our horizon.

  4. As a tourist attraction, zoos boost the local tourism and generate tourist dollars by attracting people for a visit.

  5. As a place of entertainment and recreation.

  Arguments for tourism:

  1. Boost the local economy, increase the government revenue, earn foreign currency and improve the living standard of the locals. Relieve the pressure of unemployment.

  2. Enhance mutual understanding, remove hostility and prejudice, promote good will and strengthen ties. Maintain world peace.

  3. Showcase the brilliant culture and glorious history. Promote cross-cultural communication. Improve the image of a place. Increase reputation and upgrade the status in the international community.

  4. Improve the living environment and better the basic facilities. Increase investment in infrastructure.

  5. Improve the quality of the locals. Expose them to the outside world. Widen their vision and develop a broader mind.


更多咨询尽在兰州环球雅思培训学校 http://lzjqgj.soxsok.com/     

手机版访问:  http://m.soxsok.com/lzjqgj/

24小时咨询电话:400-0336-031  咨询QQ:742721064



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