

开课学校 郑州津桥留学



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课程介绍Course Introduction

  • 语 音:26个字母的认知、认识48个音标,准确把握基础语音,培养语感。 
  • 词 汇:解析基础词汇及运用,老师解析词汇记忆方法。
  • 语 法:讲解词性、基础句式结构及基础时态(一般现在时,一般过去时,将来进行时等),能简单表达自己的意愿。
  • 口 语/听力:场景练习,为后期提高课程打下坚实基础,学生在听说方面有所提高。 
  • 阅 读:清晰掌握短篇描述性文章,捕捉重要信息。 



学校介绍University Profile

津桥国际教育(集团)是一家集出国留学、海外培训、合作办学、预科教育和中外文化交流于一体的专业化、国际化、现代化教育集团。总部毗邻中关村高新技术产业园区,依托北大、清华、人大等多所国内学府的区位优势,领悟深厚的文化积淀,体味凝重的人文 情怀。目前集团拥有英国、美国、加拿大和澳大利亚4个海外分支机构和全国21家分公司、办事处,初步形成了津桥品牌服务网络化覆盖。 津桥拥有十三年办理留学的成功经验以及全世界近20个500多所学校的优质教育资源,是和门大力扶持的企业,连续13年院校录取率和签证率均保持在 98%以上,13年零投诉,赢得业界和大众的广泛赞誉。
Oxbridge Academy is a professional , international and modern education group which majors in   studying abroad , overseas training ,cooperative running school ,preparatory education and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. Now the group has Great Britain ,the USA ,Canada and Australia  oversea branches and 21 national  subsidiaries and offices ,initially forming an Oxbridge brand network service .Oxbridge Academy is an excellent enterprise which gets the support of the government and education departments. it has many years of successful experience for studying abroad and has excellent quality education resources from nearly 20 countries more than 500 famous schools around the world .it can remain college acceptance rates and visa rate to stay above 98% for 13 years, with zero complaint, and win the public and industry wide praises.
Oxbridge Academy dedicated to the TOFEL IELTS SAT GRE GMAT PTE abroad language exams training .So far, with its first –class service, it has helped thousands of students go into their dream school to study .Oxbridge Academy has many professional teachers with rich experience ,which guarantees that every student can get VIP type counseling and it can help students overcome language barriers. Teaching model is small classes teaching. it can provide  students the most comprehensive teaching service and can design different teaching plans for  students according to their own learning foundations .Unique teaching plan and teaching model make 95% students achieve their the target scores .Oxbridge Academy aims to design six party interactive teaching model which is a combination of  students ,parents, teacher assistants, teachers , studying abroad service . It will set studying  plans for students  and make constant  assessments for their exams until they get ideal achievements and go into their dream oversea schools.


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