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来源:搜学搜课     时间:2022/2/12 17:07:14


  在描述家庭生活时常用的英语有这些:该起床了。It is time to get up.我今天早上不想吃早餐。I don’t feel like having breakfast this morning.今天你回家晚了。You came home late today.


  1.该起床了。It is time to get up.

  2.我今天早上不想吃早餐。I don’t feel like having breakfast this morning.

  3.今天的天气看起来不太好。It doesn’t look promising today.

  4.别忘了你的午餐。Don’t forget your lunch.

  5.我们得搞一次大清扫。We need to do a thorough cleaning.

  6.我们换一个频道,好吗?Can we change the channel?

  7.要洗的就这些吗?Is this all the laundry?

  8.今天你回家晚了。You came home late today.

  9.你知道我们这个月花了多少钱吗?Do you know how much we spent this month?

  10.周末就要到了!So the weekend is coming!


  1.我想买些蛋白粉。I would like to buy some protein powder.

  2.但我是个素食主义者。But I am a vegetarian.

  3.他怎么样啊?How is he?

  4.让我给你量量体温吧。Let me take your temperature.

  5.我的喉咙发炎了,胸口也痛。I have a sore throat and my chest hurts.

  6.张开嘴,我看看你的喉咙。Open your mouth so that I can look at your throat.

  7.听上去你好像感冒了。It sounds as if you’ve got a cold.

  8.你什么时候开始牙疼的?When did your toothache start?

  9.您能帮我按这个处方开药吗?Could you fill this prescription for me,please?

  10.医生,我无法长时间集中注意力,记忆力也衰退了。Doctor,I can’t concentrate for long and my memory is going.


  1.房子的状况好吗?Is the house in a good condition?

  2.你将怎样装修?How are you going to decorate it?

  3.这个地区的房价是多少?What does housing go for in this district?

  4.你可以采取分期付款的方式购买。You can buy it in installments.

  5.C户型有两个阳台吗?Does C have two balconies?

  6.噢,房价又涨了。Oh,the housing price rises again.

  7.你们公寓有空房吗?Do you have any vacancies in your apartment?

  8.房租是多少?How much is the rent?

  9.我来看看公寓。I’m here to see the apartment.


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