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来源:搜学搜课     时间:2022/2/23 17:10:23


  在商务往来上常用于表达货物包装的英语口语有这些:Water-repellent indelible paint is to be used.我们会使用防水、不褪色涂料。Generally speaking,buyers bear the charges of packing.包装费用一般由买方负担。


  I suppose packing will be done strictly in accordance with the contract stipulation.我想包装一定会严格按照合同规定进行吧。

  Water-repellent indelible paint is to be used.我们会使用防水、不褪色涂料。

  We must be assured that the boxes are strong enough to stand all the handling.我们必须确保箱子牢固,经得住多次装卸。

  The boxes to be used are strong and waterproof.我们使用的是坚固的防水箱子。

  We require three languages on the labels,English,French and Chinese.我们要求标签使用三种文字:英文、法文和中文。

  Packing charge is about 5%of the total cost of the goods包装费用大约占货物总成本的5%。

  On the outer packing,please mark wording "Handle with Care".在外包装上请标明“小心轻放”字样。

  Generally speaking,buyers bear the charges of packing.包装费用一般由买方负担。


  Can you ship the order within three or four weeks?你能在3~4周内装运这批货吗?

  How about transshipment at Hong Kong?在香港转船如何?

  That would possibly satisfy your demand of the shipment.那样的话就很有可能满足你方对装船日期的要求。

  As a rule,we don't give exports permission to transship goods.原则上讲,我方不同意出口商转船交货。

  In order to ensure the earlier shipment,we'd like to make this an exception and agree to transshipment.为了增加尽早装运,这次我方破例同意你方转船。

  I hope that the goods shall be shipped promptly after you get our L/C.我希望你们能在收到我方信用证后马上装运。

  I'm sorry,we can't advance the time of shipment.很抱歉,我们无法提前交货。

  Can our order of 100 cars be shipped as soon as possible?我们订的100辆小汽车能尽快装运吗?


  Can you give me the time of delivery?你能告诉我交货的时间吗?

  Excuse me,I wonder the earliest shipment you can make.请问你们能安排的较早装运时间是什么时候?

  I would say it's a good idea for us to charter an airline.我想说的是包机对我们来说是个不错的想法。

  Please make sure you can deliver the goods on time.请务必确保货物准时运到。

  What's your last word as to the date?你方较后敲定的日期是什么时候?

  We insist on express shipment because we urge for the goods.我方主张快递,因为我方急需这批货物。

  Our customers require these goods shall be delivered by partial shipment.客户要求这批货要分批发运。

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