
试听课 + 活动课

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got me there难住我了

leave sb.in the cold.太令某人扫兴

That's your story!那是你编的

stick with sb.紧跟着某人

put oneself together!加把劲

It's a no-no!万万不可

Suit me fine!太适合我了

Time will tell!时间会证明一切

same old story又是那一套

Boys will be boys!本性难移

Easy come easy go!来的容易去也快

under one's breath轻声细语

rain or shine不论晴雨

side money外一陕

second sight超人的预见力

put sb.in the ring和某人赛一场

row in one boat从事相同事业:相同命运

royal road容易取得成功的捷径

run of the town轰动一时的人

salt of the earth/world社会中坚

shoe is on the other foot今日不同往昔

pain in the neck极讨厌的人或物

plain sailing一帆风顺:轻而易举之事

pot calling the kettle black五十步笑百步

sixth sense第六感

talk big讲大话

sugar report情书

slowly but surely稳扎稳打

spill the beans露马脚

step on one's toes触怒某人

Sunday dress的衣服

take French leave不辞而别

speak the same language志同道合

stand on one's own feet独立自主

take a back seat处于默默无闻的地位

take one's hat off to表示尊敬佩服

take things as they come既来之则安之

Take it or leave it.别讨价还价,接不接受随你便

stay out O.P.B/other people's business不要管别人的闲事

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