
试听课 + 活动课

位置:学校首页 > 学校动态>苏州英语口语培训学校大概多少钱



My mother rarely veered from her list so I wasn't surprised with her

response. "No."


This much I knew for certain. "No" always meant "No". There was no sense in

me asking a second time. But I really, really wanted that candy!


I reached for a Sugar Baby package. My mother didn't notice. So I figured

she probably wouldn't notice if I ever so coyly put them into my pocket. We

continued checking out and walked with the bag boy to the car where he loaded

the bags into the car's trunk. No one noticed my action— not my mother, not the

cashier, not the bag boy—no one! I did it! Wow! My very first shoplifting

experience! A five-finger discount! How exciting! How easy! How rewarding! Got

my candy and didn't need one penny to get it!



I sat in the back seat as my mother drove across the bridge to where my

grandmother lived. Slowly, so as not to make any unnecessary noise, I opened my

prize and carefully slipped a Sugar Baby into my mouth. No one piece of candy

ever tasted so good! Mom might have said, "No," but I'd said, "Yes," and look

who'd won!

妈妈开车通过一座桥,向外婆家驶去,我坐在车后座上。为了避免发出不必要的声音,我慢慢地打开自己的战利品,然后小心翼翼地把一块Sugar 苏州英语口语培训学校大概多少钱


When we pulled into my grandmother's driveway, I knew I was in the clear .

Miles and minutes separated me from Cottle's. As I prepared to open my car door,

I confidently slipped a few more Sugar Babies into my mouth. They would tide me

over until I got to Grammy's cookie jar inside.



Big mistake. "Keith, what have you got in your mouth?" I looked up at the

rearview mirror and could see the reflection of my mother's eyes staring

intently back at me. "I asked you a question! What have you got in your



Though I'd recently become skilled in the art of shoplifting, I hadn't

quite mastered the art of giving false testimony . "Uhhh ... just some Sugar


虽然我刚刚熟练掌握了入店行窃术,但我却尚不精于提供假证词。“呃……就是一些Sugar Baby糖。”

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