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Trump Signs Order Aimed at Fighting Anti-Semitism at US Colleges

Other Americans, however, said they were unsure about recognizing Jews as a national group.

Moly Jong-Fast is a Jewish American writer and a critic of Trump. She says Jewishness is not a nationality. "I am an American because that's where I live," she said.

Jong-Fast told VOA that she believes Trump is, in her words, "very anti-Semitic."



But Matt Brooks, president of the Republican Jewish Coalition, disagrees. He says Trump's executive order was meant to protect Jewish people. He said that some organizations and activists who oppose Trump are having a hard time explaining the president's "action to defend the Jewish Community from anti-Semitism."

The executive order triggers Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. That law requires colleges and other educational organizations that receive federal money not to discriminate based on race, color or national origin.

Religion is not covered under the Civil Rights Act. Administration officials say they decided to interpret Judaism as a nationality so that violations at colleges could be punished.

Officials said that Hindu, Muslim and Sikh students already are protected from discrimination under Title VI of the law. They said that is because of the shared ancestry and ethnic qualities that each group has.

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