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如今培训机构品牌繁多, 报名前大家都会认真对比和参考,关于培训机构哪家好,谁也不能给出的标准答案,因为每个人的评判标准不一样,还是要看个人选择了。机构的师资实力都不差,且每家机构的教学方式都各有特色,所以大家只要选择合适自己的就可以了。

麦威英语,专为不同年龄段的学员,做适合其本人的定制化的英语课程,麦威的课程设置包含了成人英语,商务英语,雅思,托福,出国留学,VIP 定制私课,麦威日常活动课,麦威学院系列课程以及M&F,随到随学小班课体验跨界课程等课程体系,多元化的课程设置,初衷不仅是在定制上下功夫,为学员授其所需,也希望麦威提供的分级式沉浸式课程,能让学员有不间断的学习输出平台,更希望麦威不同的活动课程为每一个学员创造一个个真实的场景,以英文做载体,去体验一个个不同于以往的生活.

四六级来临之际,麦威四六级考试为了让同学们在四级考试复习阶段效率提升,四级复习的效果更好,在这里总结了六级写作和四级写作的考前点拨,希望对同学们有所帮助,让大家在四级考试的时候做题更快更准,考出理想的成绩。The importance of having a sense of family/community/family responsibility








When it comes to the topic on , we are often told the famous remark that goes like this, “ ”. Simple as the remark may sound, it intends to tell us that . A sense of family responsibility has been a hot word for a long time, and we cannot emphasize the importance of the family responsibility too much.

There are many examples to support this argument. A good case in the point is the story of 人名. 具体事例 It is that .(与主题结合,总结事例)

Taking what has been discussed into consideration, it’s indisputable that . must be attached great importance to, as it contributes tremendously to the advancement of our society. All we need is to seek to with our utmost efforts to make our society function smoothly.


When it comes to the topic on a sense of family responsibility, we are often told the famous remark that goes like this, “members of a family without a sense of the responsibility are like sailing without a compass”. Simple as the remark may sound, it intends to tell us that a sense of family responsibility works essentially in our daily life. A sense of family responsibility has been a hot word for a long time, and we cannot emphasize the importance of the family responsibility too much.

There are many examples to support this argument. A good case in the point is the story of Madame Curie. Madame Curie is the Nobel Prize winner of the world and a good teacher for her daughter. She was curious about knowledge and calm about success, which provided a good lesson to her daughter Irene. Madame Curie is in possession of the responsibility of educating her daughter. It is the responsibility of Madame Curie that helped Irene win her own Nobel Prize.

Taking what has been discussed into consideration, it’s indisputable that a sense of responsibility is the source of a happy family. A sense of family responsibility must be attached great importance to, as it contributes tremendously to the harmony of our family. All we need is to seek to shoulder the family responsibility with our utmost efforts to make our family function smoothly.

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