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雅思口语wild animals野生动物


雅思口语wild animals野生动物

  wildlife n.(u)野生动植物

  There's plenty of video evidence on social media that wildlife might benefit from lockdown.社交媒体上有大量的视频证据表明,野生动物可能会从新冠肺炎疫情的封锁中受益。

  have pushed the pause button on human activity all over the world 按下了全世界人类活动的暂停键

  And while it's been for tragic, costly reasons, we've pushed the pause button on human activity all over the 


  have some profound effects 产生一些深远的影响

  On an increasingly crowded planet, wildlife scientists think that this will have some profound effects.在这个日益拥挤的星球上,野生动物学家们认为人类活动的暂停将产生一些深远的影响。

  share the space we have with many other species 与其它物种分享我们共有的空间

  This pause has been at huge human and economic cost, which is why scientists say it's important to maximise what we can learn from lockdown, about how to share the space we have with many other species.这次人类活动的暂停已造成了巨大的人力和经济损失,这就是为什么科学家们说,重要的是较大限度地利用我们从疫情封锁中学到的东西,来与其它物种分享我们共有的空间。

  get killed by vehicles 被车辆撞死

  Every year, millions of animals get killed by vehicles in the U.S. But that road risk has dropped because of the COVID pandemic.美国每年有无数动物被车辆撞死,但由于新冠肺炎的肆虐,道路风险已经下降。

  how much driving we should do开车频率应该是多少

  And that could really change the discussion after the pandemic-change some of our assumptions about how much driving we should do if we want to protect nature, wildlife, air quality, climate change, and so forth.新冠肺炎后,这可能会真正改变讨论话题--如果想保护自然、保护野生动物、提高空气质量、稳定气候变化等,我们就要改变开车频率。"

  a third fewer collisions 被撞案例减少了三分之一The team documented about a third fewer collisions with deer, elk, moose and other large mammals in the four weeks following shutdowns.


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