
试听课 + 活动课

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  新通教育集团1996年由浙江省教育考试院、浙江省教育厅下属浙江省教育国际交流协会为主要股东投资成立。 新通团队根植中国,积极拓展优质教育资源,经过26年持续高速发展,从杭州走向、走向世界,现已成为规模庞大和品牌影响力深远的国际化教育集团。新通教育拥有3000多名员工,在、20多个城市设有分支机构。业务覆盖国际教育规划,语言培训、教师研修、学前教育、青少年素养提升、游学研学、职前教育、海外投资等多个领域。作为一家具有高度社会责任感和使命感的教育企业,新通多年来积极投身教育公益事业,践行企业社会责任,致力于成为中国优质的国际化教育集团。



  2.1v1定制课:个性化定制1V1、1VN课程,学习更专心,互动性更强, 辅导更有针对性

  3.线上课程: 直播授课+录播精讲,足不出户,安全省时,课程可多次回放,巩固知识点






  Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  How you know the person

  What the person does

  And explain why you think his/her ideas and opinions are interesting

  我想讲的是一位外国著 名导演卡梅隆,我较早看的是他的泰坦尼克,除此以外当然他是很多著 名影片的编剧导演作者。

  尤其从他的科幻电影,终结者和阿凡达中,我发现他非常有创意,他一直有各种有趣与众 不同的想法,这些想法非常同步,甚至推动了电影业的技术发展。

  I’m going to talk about the award-winning movie director James Cameron.

  I first came to knowhim from his most famous movie Titanic.

  It was really popular in China at the time. Even though Iwas quite young when I saw the movie, I was deeply moved by the story.

  Cameron found major success after directing and writing a wealth of (大量的) science fiction action films and built hisreputation (建立声誉) in this genre.

  He is the writer, director and producer of The Terminator,Aliens and Avatar.

  I absolutely love those films because I was amazed every time by the original,peculiar and unique ideas in those films.

  Terminator was created quite a few years ago. The moviepresents unique thoughts on the future and interesting ideas of a killer robot from the future.

  A lotof the things that were science fiction in Terminator are now actually around us.

  The story of Avatar, which I bet (我相信) you know, had been scratching at Cameron’s dream and imagination since he was a child.

  He surprised audiences with his very creative idea which was set in the future,on a jungle planet Pandora and a with different race from humans.

  This idea had to wait many yearsas the technology didn't even exist to make the film.

  Cameron then helped develop cutting edge 3D camera systems, which pushed technological innovation (技术革新) in film making.

  I really respect James Cameron for his interesting ideas and creativity.

  Even though I will never make movies, I feel there is much to learn from his ideas and how he takes action (采取行动) with ideas right away.

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