
试听课 + 活动课

位置:学校首页 > 学校动态>阜新英语口语培训哪个好


  Oh yeah… well… ahh… so… um… oh… 结巴是种病。没病的人,紧张的时候,也会结巴。谈判、面试、相亲......既然无法摆脱结巴,就让我们从容面对,学学结巴用英语怎么说。

  有个年轻人参加完一个非常重要的会议后,心情糟糕透顶。他说:There were some of the really big bosses there and when they asked me a question I just couldn't think of what to say. I was completely tongue-tied.

  原来与会的都是一些非常重要的,这个年轻人一时紧张,什么也回答不上来了,所以他就被 tongue-tied 舌头被系住了,结巴了。这个比喻非常形象,当一个人的舌头被什么东西系住后,如果想说话当然就会比较困难了。

  实用例句:A: Hey, how was that date you went on with Alan? He's so sexy!

  B: I know, but I was so nervous. I was completely tongue-tied when he asked me anything. He must think I'm such an idiot!


  A: I had a job interview recently and I just couldn't get my words out properly when they asked me questions. I was really tongue-tied.

  B: I know what you mean. Sometimes I get tongue-tied when I'm in an interview.

  I'm tongue-tied. I can't think of what to say! 多么糟糕的经历。朋友们,do you ever get tongue-tied?

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