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  新通外语出国留学外语培训一站式服务 主要项目包括雅思,托福,SAT,ACT,国际高中备考等。目前在30多个城市及海外设有分支机构。


  雅思基础预备班 雅思5.5分钻石班 雅思6-6.5分钻石班 雅思7分钻石班 雅思单项强化班 新通VIP一 对一 雅思周末班/寒假班




  1. I am very happy to recommend my colleague Mr. Robert Lee for the vacancy of sales manager at your company.

  2. This letter is my personal recommendation for Cathy Douglas.

  3. It is a pleasure for me to write this reference letter for my friend Tony Johnson.

  4. I am very pleased that my former colleague Jane Smith is now applying for the position of sales manager at your company and I highly recommend her.

  5. I highly recommend Brian Williams to apply for the position of deputy head of the finance office.

  6. I'm writing to recommend Mr. Wang Jun, my former colleague for the position of secretary to the general manager in your company.

  7. Cynthia Lloyd has worked directly under my supervision for the past seven years.

  8. As dean of the college of Engineering, I have had close contact with him.

  9. Until just recently, I have been Katie's immediate supervisor for several years.

  10. Mr. Wang Tao requested me to write this letter of recommendation.

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