
雅思口语Part2的部分 。小编目前收集到的本月雅思口语Part2新题,大家先看看,想想思路。一些题目已经有了完整点,大部分题目还要继续关注。下面就一起跟随小编来看看小编整理的雅思口语Part2的部分吧~

1. Describe an occasion when you got up early

2. Describe a historical building you have been to

3. Describe a time you were proud of yourself

4. Describe a decision your friend made for you

5. Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal

6. Describe a watersport you would like to learn

7. Describe a plan that was canceled by someone

8. Describe a good lifestyle

9. Describe a time you gave advice to others

10. Describe a person who has interesting ideas

11. Describe a food festival


12. Describe a time that you invited your family or friends to dinner

13. Describe someone who speaks a foreign language well

14. Describe your favorite singer or band

15. Describe an impressive advertisement you saw or heard

16. Describe a time someone made you laugh when you were a child

17. Describe a time you used the internet to solve a problem

18. Describe something that you brought back from a tourist attraction

19. Describe a time that you received a call from someone you didn’t know

20. Describe an occasion where you had incorrect information

21. Describe a prize that you want to win

22. Describe a time you used the internet to solve a problem

雅思口语的Part2一直以来都是令同学们头疼的部分,每每遇到一些生(qi)疏(pa)的话题,例如:“Describe a historical period you would like to know.“、”Describe a book you want to write.”、“Describe a person who helps to protect the environment.”等,同学们都会觉得考官不是故意刁难我就是对我有恶意的嫉妒。然而我们真的就只能这么认怂,乖乖交出2070块大洋,还要看着对面的考官高歌一曲“see you again”吗?其实,掌握一些小技巧,我们也可以轻松说满2分钟。


复习过雅思的同学都熟悉雅思口语第二部分的题目,看得多的同学自己都可以编题目。其实总的来说,口语的题目就是由What、When、Who、Where、Why和How/How often组成,我们把这六要素叫做5W1H原则。很多同学一看题目,觉得除了Why的问题可以回答出一些东西,剩下的问题回答不超过三句话,更有甚者,有的同学一句话就概括了三个问题。这就是同学们觉得雅思口语考试时的2分钟那么煎熬的原因了。

雅思口语的评分标准Fluency里有一项要求叫做:Students should be able to speak at length。也就是说考生在考官提出问题后要自己能够给出完整的答案,有理有据,而并非简单的yes or no就可以解决的。那么我们怎么才能做到滔滔不绝呢?简单的方法就是在When、Who、Where、How often之类的客观问题后面问自己一个Why。


雅思口语Part2部分核心的要义就是——细节,比如题目是描述一场wedding ceremony,我们首先可以考虑这个场景中都有哪些陈设:鲜花、气球、红毯等,这些陈设又都有自己的颜色。除却静物,我们还可以描述在场的人的行为:有人向新郎新娘表达祝福、有人在唱歌、有人在切蛋糕,这些细节其实并不难描述,但是考官听起来具体而易懂,只要英语功底不是很差的小伙伴,在回答雅思口语Part2时,适当地描述一些细节,都可以拿一个不错的分数。


Song Min Guk, 6 years old, was born in Seoul, South Korea. He is the second son of Song Il Guk who is a Korean film actor.(personal information)

He is cute (appearance) and well known for his participation in the South Korean entertainment program“ The Return of Superman” which is a parent-child program. (relationship with me)



在Part2的话题描述中,如果仅有描述,仍会让整个陈述略显有些平淡,所以小编建议考生在描述的同时加上相应的例子,这样可以大大增加描述内容的丰富性和生动性。但是在Part2里举的例子,并不一定是要非常正式地举例,如“For example”。口语化的一些表达方式会更自然一些,如“such as、like”。

比如,”Describe a special shop.”,除了描述这个shop里有一些special goods外,若再具体举例说明有哪些特殊商品,更能增强生动性。In the shop, you can always find some special and interesting stuff, such as hand-made floating lantern, photo books, tiny china pot, and Nepali jewelries and things like that.


1-2分钟的描述中,除了单方面地进行描述外,同学们还可以通过比较同类事物的方式来使内容更加全面、细致。但是这个部分毕竟是口语考试,所以选用的比较类的词语应为口语化的连接词,如“unlike、similar、like、be different from”等。


The first one that popped up in my mind was my first smart phone which is a rose gold iPhone6s whose size is 5.5 inches. (appearance)

As a matter of fact,I accumulated a certain amount of money in the first year after my work, being a tutor, and I bought my first smart phone with this money at a large shopping mall with a wide range of goods. (ways of getting)

The versatility of mobile phones makes me sometimes inseparable from it which means I can do nothing without my cell phone. Not only are mobile phones used for talking to people and sending text messages but also for surfing the Web, keeping diary and even as an alarm clock! (function)

这一段话的描述可以同时用于回答以上五个话题,是不是一下子觉得自己瞬间功力大增,“penta kill”根本不在话下?


现在看来,是不是发现原来只要掌握了正确的方法,所谓的魔鬼 part2 也有天使的一面。当然除了掌握合适的方法,还有一个重要的点就是: “Practice is the key, and there are no shortcuts。”希望各位同学都能够在屠鸭路上披荆斩棘,一往无前,后都能拿到自己的理想目标分数!

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