
众所周知雅思写作想要获得,一定要了解写作技巧。今天学为贵雅思补习班给大家带来的就是获得雅思大作文 7+


POINT 1: clear structure 结构清晰

这一点非常重要,结构是考官对你的作文的印象。一个结构清晰的文章,少需要四段:开头段、主体段 1、主体段 2


POINT 2: Persuasive first person 有说服力的、第 一人称


"I, me, my",这才能表明你的观点是基于你的经历和知识得出的。

POINT 3: Clear thesis statement 论点明确


POINT 4: Complex and compound sentence 主从复合句、并列复合句


"and, but, or …" 另外,还有一点要提到的就是使用逻辑连词 "since, because, however, on the other

hand, nevertheless" 等来体现句间的逻辑关系。

POINT 5: Answer the topic and controlling idea exactly 切题、点题


"what, why, how" 这几个方面构思。后,才是开始写作文,记住一定不要本末倒置。


Task 2

Write about the following topic:

Many people choose natural healing methods, such as acupuncture and massage

therapy to recover from illness. Others prefer to use pharmaceutical drugs

prescribed by their doctor for their aliments.

Discuss both views and give reasons for your answer, and include any

relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words. You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this



(Hook)Health has the greatest value for nearly any individual

human.(Importance) A person must feel strong and healthy in both mind and body

in order to feel content and contribute to society.(Definition) Unfortunately,

sickness from bacteria, virus, and other teratogens results in symptoms like

headaches, nausea, cramps and other negative affects which signal the person to

find a cure. (Thesis) I believe that both natural and pharmaceutical treatment

is effective in helping a patient heal.

主体段 1:

(Topic Sentence – Point 1) Natural healing methods are often more gentle in

the healing process than chemical based drugs because they are easier to process

for the human body. (Explanation) Since natural healing uses herbs, scents, or

the body itself, the symptoms during recovery are less intense and there are no

side effects. (Detailed Example) For example, I twisted my ankle playing soccer

last month and I did not take painkillers. Instead, I used ice and a hot towel

to decrease the pain. I believe a more natural approach was the right choice for

this injury. (Connecting Sentence) However, for other injuries or sickness

medical drugs can be better.

主体段 2:

(Topic Sentence – Point 2) Pharmaceutical medicines are the right choice

when a sickness or injury is sudden and life-threatening. (Explanation) In many

cases chemical drugs are more powerful and fast acting than natural healing

options. In such cases, the obvious choice is to use pharmacy drugs when

available. (Detailed Example) A good example is my younger brother Steve. Since

Steve is highly allergic to bees, he had to use an epinephrine needle to save

his life when he was stung on the beach last summer. (Concluding sentence)

Thankfully for modern medicine, my brother can enjoy his life without much



(Points Restated) In conclusion, both natural and pharmaceutical

interventions can benefit people’s health. (Arguments restated) Natural

medicines can be more sympathetic to the body during the healing process;

however, medical drugs’ fast and intense action can be the only choice.

(Take-home-message) It is good that sick or injured people have the option of

choosing the right healing approach for them.

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