Good Night│晚安


Good Night│晚安

作者:Seamus Heaney

A latch lifting, an edged cave of light


Opens across the yard. Out of the low door


They stoop in to the honeyed corridor,


Then walk straight through the wall of the dark.


A puddle, cobble-stones, jambs and doorstep


Are set steady in a block of brightness


Till she strides in again beyond her shadows


And cancels everything behind her.



Inhale through your left nostril

This yoga method is thought to reduce blood pressure and calm you. Holistic sleep therapist Peter Smith says: “Lie on your left side, resting a finger on your right nostril to close it. Start slow, deep breathing in the left nostril.”


Good Night│晚安

Squeeze and relax

Relaxing all your muscles can prepare your body for sleep. Anxiety expert Charles Linden says: “Lying on your back, take a deep, slow breath in through your nose and, at the same time, squeeze your toes tightly as if you are trying to curl them under your foot, then release the squeeze.”


Rewind your day

Remembering the mundane detail in reverse order clears your mind of worries. Sammy Margo, author of The Good Sleep Guide says: “Recall conversations, sights and sounds as you go. It helps you to reach a mental state that’s ready for sleep.”


Good Night│晚安

Roll your eyes

Sammy says that closing your eyes and rolling the balls up three times can do the job. She says: “It simulates what you do naturally when you fall asleep and may help trigger the release of your sleepy hormone, melatonin.”


Just imagine

Visualisation meditation works best when you use at least three senses. Sammy explains: “Imagine yourself in a situation where you feel content – a tropical paradise, sailing on calm waters, walking in flower fields.

“As you explore your ‘happy place’ imagine smelling flowers, feeling grass or sand under your feet and hearing water lap against the boat. You should soon feel relaxed and drift off.”


Good Night│晚安

Exercise between 4-7pm

Moderate exercise can help you sleep, says Prof Paul ­Gringras, adviser for Leesa mattresses. “It’s one of the best ‘sleep-medicines’ around. But like all medicines, there is a right and wrong way to use it.

“The timing can make a big difference. Exercise in the morning is unlikely to help, and exercise too close to bedtime is likely to cause problems. Try taking 20-30 minutes of exercise moderate for you, between 4pm and 7pm.” Walking or gardening will do.


以上这些都是一些帮助睡眠的小攻略,大家不妨可以一试, 当然对于失眠问题比较严重的小伙伴来说,可能借助一些专业性的帮助,排查失眠原因再对症下药,则更为重要。

- 关于作者 -

谢默斯·希尼(Seamus Heaney, 1939-2013)爱尔兰诗人。他出生于爱尔兰北部的一个信奉天主教,世代务农的家庭。他的诗作总是淳朴而自然,他虽有学院派的背景,却没有学院派孤芳自赏的情调。他被公认为是当今世界上好的英语诗人和天才的文学批评家,在1995年他的诗由于“具有抒情诗般的美和伦理深度,使日常生活中的奇迹和活生生的往事得以升华”,荣获诺贝尔文学奖。

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