

  A problem of modern societies is the declining level of health in the general population, with conflicting views on how to tackle this worrying trend. One possible solution is to provide more sports facilities to encourage a more active lifestyle.

  Advocates of this believe that today’s sedentary lifestyle and stressful working conditions mean that physical activity is no longer part of either our work or our leisure time. If there were easy-to-reach local sports centres, we would be more likely to make exercise a regular part of our lives, rather than just collapsing in front of a screen every evening. The variety of sports that could be offered would cater for all ages, levels of fitness and interests: those with painful memories of PE at school might be happier in the swimming pool than on the football pitch.

  However, there may be better ways of tackling this problem. Interest in sport is not universal, and additional facilities might attract the already fit, not those who most need them. Physical activity could be encouraged relatively cheaply, for example by installing exercise equipment in parks, as my local council has done. This has the added benefit that parents and children often use them together just for fun, which develops a positive attitude to exercise at an early age.

  As well as physical activity, high tax penalties could be imposed on high-fat food products, tobacco and alcohol, as excessive consumption of any of these contributions to poor health. Even improving public transport would help: it takes longer to walk to the bus stop than the car.

  In my opinion, focusing on sports facilities is too narrow an approach and would not have the desired results. People should be encouraged not only to be more physically active but also to adopt a healthier lifestyle in general.






  "There’s an enormous disparity between the million-dollar incomes of top executives and the modest paychecks most people earn.

  Shirley and Jason don’t let the disparity in their ages weaken their marriage, but Jason’s mother isn’t happy with a daughter-in-law her own age.

  a. a combination. b. a gap. c. a closeness.

  The owners of the failing store hoped that the huge sale would bring in enough cash to forestall bankruptcy.

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