

广州专业雅思封闭暑假班有推荐么 环球教育雅思考试培学校时间为您提供雅思考试,雅思考试时间,雅思报名,雅思报名等信息,同时为您提供雅思培训信息,专业讲述考试经验,真经体系大神授课针对学员薄弱环节定制授课方案,冲分更有效.封闭院校授课方式更灵活助您提升雅思考试成绩,帮您圆出国留学梦.更多雅思培训,请咨询在线客服

环球教育(Global Education),20多年来,秉持教育成就未来的理念,专注于为学子提供优质的出国语言培训及配套服务。目前,环球教育已构建了包含语言培训、出国咨询、国际课程、游学考察、在线课程等在内的一站式服务教育生态圈广州市环球培训中心包含华南总校区、VIP中心、中心、天河校区、区庄校区、公园前校区、大学城校区、封闭学院、佛山分校、佛山南海校区等10个校区。


Good morning. Come in and take a seat.

Can you tell me your full name, please? What shall I call you?

Can I see your identification please? Can you tell me where you are from?


Now in this first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.

1. Let’s talk about…

2. I’d like to move on now to talk about …

3. Let’s move on to the topic of …

4. Let’s move on to the topic of …


Now I’m going to give you a topic, and I’d like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, you’ll have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.

You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Here’s some paper and a pencil, for making notes, and here’s your topic. ......

All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don’t worry if I stop you.

I’ll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please? ......


We’ve been talking about …… and I’d like to discuss one or two more general questions related to this.

温馨提示:为不影响您的学业,来 广州雅思培训 校区前请先电话或QQ咨询,方便我校安排相关的专业老师为您解答
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