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  Junk food is an informal。 term applied to some foods that are perceived to have little or no nutritional value (i.e. containing empty calories); to products with nutritional value, but also have ingredients considered unhealthy when regularly eaten; or to those considered unhealthy to consume at all.

  Junk foods are typically ready-to-eat convenient foods containing high levels of saturated fats, salt, or sugar, and little or no fruit, vegetables, or dietary fiber; and are considered to have little or no health benefits. Common junk foods include salted snack foods like chips (crisps), candy, gum, most sweet desserts, fried fast food and carbonated beverages (sodas) as well as alcoholic beverages. High-sugar cereals, particularly those targeted at children, such as Froot Loops, are also classified as junk food.

  A study by Paul Johnson and Paul Kenny at The Scripps Research Institute suggested that junk food consumption alters brain activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine or heroin. After many weeks on a junk food diet, the pleasure centers of rat brains became desensitized, requiring more food for pleasure. After the junk food was taken away and replaced with a healthy diet, the rats starved for two weeks instead of eating nutritious fare.A 2007 British journal of nutrition study found that mothers who eat junk food during pregnancy increased the likelihood of unhealthy eating habits in their children.

  A report published in the journal of the federation of American societies for experimental biology suggests that babies of mothers with a high-sugar and high-fat diet while pregnant are more prone to junk food themselves. The study was conducted on rats and suggests that infants whose mothers eat excessive amounts of high-fat, high-sugar junk foods when pregnant or breastfeeding are likely to have a greater preference for these foods later in life.

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