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  【题目】Leaf-mining hispides blighted

  A.forage grass.

  B.rice fields.

  C.coconut trees.

  D.fruit trees.

  E.water hyacinth.

  F.parthenium weed.

  G.Brazilian beetles.

  H.grass-scale insects.

  I.larval parasites.

  【原文】In the late 1960s,when Sri Lanka's flourishing coconut groves were plagued by leaf-mining hispides,a larval parasite imported from Singapore brought the pest under control.


  本题我们可以通过题目中的leaf-mining hispides定位到文章中的答案句,但比较难处理的是其中有较多生僻的词汇,而本句中的coconut groves和larval parasite正好分别对应了选项中的C和I。在我们不熟悉词汇的情况下就需要借助逻辑关系来推测它们可能的含义了。熟悉同位语的考生应该可以判断出a larval parasite imported from Singapore是对前面的名词(也就是题目定位词)leaf-mining hispides的解释说明,因此我们可以推测,两者在本句中是相同的事物,而题目需要我们找的是和leaf-mining hispides存在动宾关系的另一个事物,通过排除法我们也可以得知本题的答案为C。




  【原文】Other substances were then introduced:including fillers,such as woodflour,asbestos or cotton,which increase strength and moisture resistance,catalysts(substances to speed up the reaction between two chemicals without joining to either)and hexa,a compound of ammonia and formaldehyde which supplied the additional formaldehyde necessary to form a thermosetting resin.




  【题目】Day length is a useful cue for breeding in areas where ________are


  【原文】Day length is an excellent cue,because it provides a perfectly predictable pattern of change within the year.In the temperate zone in spring,temperatures fluctuate greatly from day to day,but day length increases steadily by a predictable amount.

  本题我们可以通过day length和cue轻松定位答案出处。但是一部分同学对于fluctuate一词比较陌生。但是通过转折关系词but我们可以得知,文中的意思是气温每天会很巨大地fluctuate,但是白昼的长度是在以一个可预测的量稳步增长的。因此我们可以大胆地推测fluctuate的意思应该和后面的表述相反,即不可预测。结合题目的要求可知,答案为temperatures。


  【题目】Which TWO of the following factors influencing the design of Bakelite objects are mentioned in the text?

  A the function which the object would serve

  B the ease with which the resin could fill the mould

  C the facility with which the object could be removed from the mould

  D the limitations of the materials used to manufacture the mould

  E the fashionable styles of the period

  【原文】The object could not be designed so that it was locked into the mould and therefore difficult to extract.



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