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  Q:What are the things you dislike on...and how do you think those things can be solved in the future?

  A:Well,speaking of the things I dislike on...,the first thing pops into my mind is...,which I think is a natural result of...,so I suppose a systematic and reasonable regulation and rule should be carried out based on currently unsatisfactory situation.Hum,...sounds like a good idea,and...might contribute a lot to this situation as well.


  要求考生对于某样事物的未来发展或者趋势做一个简要的描述。Q:How do you think of...in the future?

  A:Well,although...be not perfectly developed yet,I have to say it is a cool thing and its advantages are far outweighing its disadvantages.And with the joint effort coming from both government/and individual,I firmly believe that the future of this issue will be very bright.途径型


  Q:How to do something?Can you recommend some ways to do...?

  A:Well,there are obviously plenty of ways to do...,and it varies a lot from people to people.But for me,the top priority is...;Another factor I take into consideration is...;One more way I can think of is...


  即对于当前常见话题提出自己的观点或见解。建议考生提出自己的观点的时候,可以多结合一些实际生活情况来谈谈,充实口语内容。Q:How do you think...?(importance of...)

  A:Well,this has already become a buzzword which is so popular that it will pop up everywhere every time when you read newspaper,glimpse magazine or surf the Internet.Of course,opinions vary greatly from people to people.I think this is a cool thing.Because firstly...,another thing I can think of is it...;However,there is always a fine line in everything.The same here:Don't ever go way too far.

  A:Well,we are all living in a world where...is becoming more and more important.It is very hard to imagine how someone can survive without doing...;And obviously,it has become the one of the very few things that can't be measured in terms of money.


  活动型就是问考生具体做某件事情或者参加某个活动的一个过程,要注意时态的使用。Q:What do you usually do when...?

  A:First,I have to say there isn't any particular thing I usually do when...,it varies a lot.Say,it depends on....If...,I will do...;I would do...if....Sometimes just go with the flow.

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