
无锡中公考研辅导培训机构地址,中公考研总部位于北京,在上海、济南、南京、沈阳、安徽、黑龙江、长春、广州、武汉、内蒙古杭州等20多个省市拥有直营分部,可动略地考生提供服务。松考研事业部业务类型主要包括面授小班培训、网络远程教学培训、网络直播课堂培训等。事业部为广大考研学子提供全复习辅导课程,包括周末考研乐学、日制魔魄集训营、VIP 1对1公共课、VIP 1对传业课、精品网课、考研直播课等系列产品,满足考生个性化的学习备考需要。




1. Could you give me a brief introduction about your university?

2. Where will you graduate? How do you like your university?

3. Talk about a person who has impressed you most during university.

4. What has impressed you most during university? Tell us an affair.


1.Could you give me a brief introduction about your hometown?

2.Where are you from? Talk about it.

3.Could you tell us something about your family?

4.How many people are there in your family?

5.Who is the most influential one in your family?


展开全文1.Have you participated in any professional practices?

2.Would you like to talk about your practical experiences?

3.Do you have any part-time job experiences?

4. Please talk about your job.


1.We like to know something about you.

2.Tell us about yourself

3.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself?


1. How do you spend your spare/free/leisure time?

2. What are your hobbies?

3. How do you spend your weekends?

4. What kinds of sports do you like most?

5. What kinds of books do you often read?


1. What kind of person do you think you are?

2. What kind of personality/character do you think you have?

3. What are your greatest shortcoming?

4. What are your merits?


1. Why do you pursue a further study as a postgraduate?

2. Why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?

3. Why do you choose our university/college?

4. Why do you change/shift your major?

5. Why do you choose to study......instead of studying your present major?


1. Could you tell us something about your plans in your postgraduate study?

2. Would you please say something about your study life if you succeed in this admission?

3. Do you have any plans about your postgraduate life?

4. What do you expect to do in your postgraduate study?

5. What are the most important rewards you expect in your study?

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