

来源:长沙新航道英语培训学校时间:2019/12/21 14:18:54 浏览量:284

When you buy gas, you should tell the attendant whether you want unleaded,

regular or premium gas. You can either ask for a special amount, such as ten

dollar's worth, or you can ask the attendant to "fill it up". If the attendant

fills it up, he or she will then tell you how much it comes to.

1.A: Fill it up with unleaded and check the oil, please.

B: Do you want me to check the tires?

A: No, that's all for now. What does it come to?

B: $10.00.

2.A: Fill it up with regular, please.

B: All right. Should I take a look at your battery?

A: No, thanks. I'm in a hurry. How much is it?

B: $10.00, please.

3.A: Fill it up with premium, please.

B: Sure. Should I check your radiator?

A: No, that's OK. How much do I owe you?

B: That's be $10.00.

4.A: Fill it up, please.

B: Fine. Do you want your windshield cleaned?

A: No, thank you. I don't have time. How much is that?

B: It comes to $10.00.

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