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雅思备考的问题 你中了?
  • 云里雾里,一听就会,
  • 面对雅思考官,
  • 每个单词都认识,
  • 通篇都是基础的表达,
  • 考前一年 复习计划
  • 考前6个月 复习计划
  • 考0天 复习计划
  • 考前7天 复习计划
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS预备班 距离考试有8个月以上备考时间,未接触过IELTS考试培训的学员
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS 5.5分住宿班 距离考试有3个月以上备考时间,目标分数为5.5分以上的学员
IELTS 大学生5.5分班 已获得雅思4.5分成绩,目标分数为5.5分及以上的学员
IELTS直通车5.5分班 雅思成绩或入班测试4.5分,备考目标5.5分的高中生、大学生
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS大学生6.0分班 已获得雅思5.5分成绩,目标分数为6分及以上的学员
IELTS直通车6分班 备考时间3个月以上,近期目标6分及以上的高中生、大学在校生
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS 6.5分班 已完成雅思6分课程学习,或已获得雅思6分成绩,目标分数为6.5分以上的学员
IELTS 6.5分住宿班 希望短时间封闭训练,目标分数为6.5分以上的学员
IELTS大学生6.5分班 四级考试达到水平(600分)的学员
IELTS直通车6.5分班 备考时间在3个月以上,目标分数为6.5分及以上的学员
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS 7分班 距离考试有4-6个月备考时间,目标分数为7分以上的学员
IELTS精品7.0分班 距离考试有1-3个月备考时间,着急考试的学员
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS VIP小班 习惯小班上课,需要老师关注的学员
  • 01 作业布置
    每次课程结束后,老师会预留这一阶段的作业,帮助学生在业 余时间巩固知识,加强记忆。
  • 02 随堂测试
  • 03 学情反馈
    课后老师会通过微信群及时向家长反馈学生学习情况,让家长 了解孩子上课情况,学习进步可视化。
  • 04 模考批改
    根据学生考试日期,合理安排真实环境模考,考后及时批改与 讲评,让学生充分适应考试环境。
  • 05 答疑解惑
    课下老师会解答同学疑问;课程结束后,老师会在微信群及时 解答学生疑问,不积攒问题,备考路上不留盲点。


来源:南京新东方英语培训学校时间:2021/10/28 11:49:21 浏览量:160






1.How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?

2.How did you celebrate your last birthday?

My last birthday was held in a restaurant.I invites my best friends and We had birthday cake,sang and danced together.My parents and my friends gave me some nice and beautiful presents.

4.Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present?

Sure,I think there's a big difference.When I was a child,my parents always prepared a birthday party for me,and we sang birthday song and ate birthday cake together.But now I seldom celebrate my birthday and sometimes I even forget it,because I'm so busy and I have no time to celebrate it.

5.Do people in China celebrate birthdays?

Yes,they do.In most Chinese families,celebrating birthday with family members and friends is a tradition.

6.Which birthdays are especially important in China?

In Chinese culture,celebrating the 100th birthdays for old people is usually a big deal.People celebrate the 100th birthdays by having a birthday cake with candles or having a square meal with all the family members.

7.Do people in China have birthday parties?

Yes,most people celebrate their birthdays by holding a birthday party with their families at home or outside.And the wealthy families may choose to celebrate with a party outside,inviting relatives and friends as well.

8.Do you think it's important for people to celebrate birthday?

Sure,it’s one of the greatest events in Chinese peoples’life,especially for the elderly.Friends and relatives are invited for a home-cooked meal with special food,just like buns and long noodles,which both represent long-life.

9.Do you think it's important to remember peoples's birthdays?

Well,I must say,it's really important to remember people's birthday,especially your parents'and your friends'birthdays.Because it shows that you care about them and they will feel delighted by this.


I would like to talk about a birthday celebration that I attended 2/3 months ago.It was one of my friends'birthday who turned 25 that day.My friend's name is Ryan and his parents wanted to celebrate his birthday just before his departure to United Kingdom.Ryan invited almost all of his close friends and 6-7 of us attended the birthday celebration together.Apart from us,there were as many as 100 other people present on the occasion.I did not know most of them but my guess is that they would be mostly Ryan's relatives,neighbors and his father's colleagues.

The party was celebrated at my friend's house at(...tell a city name....).We went there together and bought a present for the Ryan.After reaching there,Ryan and his parents warmly welcomed us.Later Ryan introduced us to his relatives and to some of his neighbors.We were astonished when we saw the huge birthday cake.25 candles of different colors were lit around the cake and the whole house was redecorated for the occasion.Anybody could say that some occasion was going on in this house without knowing anything.

We sang the birthday song when Ryan cut the cake.We congratulated him and wished him a prosperous life ahead.Then we ate cake and had a good feast.The foods were delicious and good.We,friends of our circle,went to visit a nearby place and sang different songs.In the evening we went to Ryan's house again and attended a raffle draw.That was a very exciting part of the birthday celebration.Then after few minutes we left the party and went our homes.

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

1.Describe a family celebration you attended recently

2.Describe a party you attended

3.Describe a birthday party of your friend.

4.Describe a celebration you remember well


I have recently turned to 25 and last year my family and friends arranged a birthday that became a remarkable day for me and I will always remember this birthday.It was my 24th birthday and I was in the final year of my University.I had approaching exam and had no plan to visit my hometown and celebrate my birthday.But my friends planned to surprise me on my birthday and also asked my parents and siblings to join them on that day.

I went outside at around 9 pm.And returned after an hour and noticed that my parents and siblings have come to the house I stay with my friends and classmates.I knew that my family members came to celebrate my birthday.I was bit confused as I had no preparation for that and I felt bit lost about the whole event.

I was mostly speechless and continuously thanked my friends for the great preparation they did for my birthday celebration.I spent the night with my friends,we watched a movie at late night and finally I went to sleep in the early morning.


1.Do people in China celebrate birthdays?


2.Which birthdays are especially important in China(in Chinese culture)?

Well,I must say,the 18th birthday,which is regarded as a very important point of life and therefore there’s often a great celebration.As children enter 18,it means that they have grown into an adult.They should be independent,make a living by themselves and have to be responsible for their behaviours.


3.Do people in China have birthday parties?

I think,yes,quite often,it’s very popular among youngsters.Well,every time I hang out with my friends,no matter in a restaurant,karaoke box or other amusement places,I probably hear some people singing birthday songs and having birthday cakes.So I guess Chinese are really into celebrating birthdays.


4.Do you think it’s important for people to celebrate birthdays?

Sure,absolutely.It’s a time to rethink your life.People can find the disparity between your resolution and what you have achieved.Everyone wishes the dreams come true in the next year.


5.Are birthdays more important for children or for adults?

Well,I think,birthday is much more important to children than adults,because it’s the best time for parents to express their love and care to their children.Actually,a surprised party can get children excited during their birthday.Also,it brings them an unforgettable childhood memory.


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