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雅思备考的问题 你中了?
  • 云里雾里,一听就会,
  • 面对雅思考官,
  • 每个单词都认识,
  • 通篇都是基础的表达,
  • 考前一年 复习计划
  • 考前6个月 复习计划
  • 考0天 复习计划
  • 考前7天 复习计划
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS预备班 距离考试有8个月以上备考时间,未接触过IELTS考试培训的学员
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS 5.5分住宿班 距离考试有3个月以上备考时间,目标分数为5.5分以上的学员
IELTS 大学生5.5分班 已获得雅思4.5分成绩,目标分数为5.5分及以上的学员
IELTS直通车5.5分班 雅思成绩或入班测试4.5分,备考目标5.5分的高中生、大学生
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS大学生6.0分班 已获得雅思5.5分成绩,目标分数为6分及以上的学员
IELTS直通车6分班 备考时间3个月以上,近期目标6分及以上的高中生、大学在校生
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS 6.5分班 已完成雅思6分课程学习,或已获得雅思6分成绩,目标分数为6.5分以上的学员
IELTS 6.5分住宿班 希望短时间封闭训练,目标分数为6.5分以上的学员
IELTS大学生6.5分班 四级考试达到水平(600分)的学员
IELTS直通车6.5分班 备考时间在3个月以上,目标分数为6.5分及以上的学员
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS 7分班 距离考试有4-6个月备考时间,目标分数为7分以上的学员
IELTS精品7.0分班 距离考试有1-3个月备考时间,着急考试的学员
课程分类 适合学员
IELTS VIP小班 习惯小班上课,需要老师关注的学员
  • 01 作业布置
    每次课程结束后,老师会预留这一阶段的作业,帮助学生在业 余时间巩固知识,加强记忆。
  • 02 随堂测试
  • 03 学情反馈
    课后老师会通过微信群及时向家长反馈学生学习情况,让家长 了解孩子上课情况,学习进步可视化。
  • 04 模考批改
    根据学生考试日期,合理安排真实环境模考,考后及时批改与 讲评,让学生充分适应考试环境。
  • 05 答疑解惑
    课下老师会解答同学疑问;课程结束后,老师会在微信群及时 解答学生疑问,不积攒问题,备考路上不留盲点。


来源: 苏州新东方雅思托福学校时间:2021/11/10 16:56:29 浏览量:165






Describe a favorite sport which you watched

You should say:

What it is

When you watch it

Who you watch it with

And explain why you like watching it




Cricket is a globally popular sport and is played usually between two teams.I also like the watching very much.

Cricket once was considered as the sport for the rich.But with the change of time,it has become common for all and even the poorest country of the world may have a cricket team of their own.In cricket,usually 11 players are in each of the sides.After tossing,the winning team usually decides to bat first or allows the opposition to bat and continues the sport.The batsmen try to hit the ball and run between the bowling lines to make runs.When the ball reaches the boundary line be getting in touch with the field,it is considered as four runs and if the ball crosses the boundary line from above the head,then it is considered as six runs.The game ends either when the bowling is finished or when the batsmen are made out by the fielding team.When one team is made all out or the bowling times are over,then the other team comes to the batting and tries to make upper score than the previous team.The team who makes highest score turns the winner.

Usually,I prefer to watch the sport on a television but when I get free moments in my college I play cricket with my college friends.I prefer to watch the sports on television as it is easier to watch by sitting on a sofa or chair or sometimes by lying in bed.

I love cricket much.Firstly,this is an international sport and allows several players to participate in it.When cricket is played,all the players including the batsmen and fielders are to run to catch the ball.Their purposes are different but the running makes them fit.It is a kind of great exercise.Besides,when I go to play cricket,we are to participate in various exercises to keep us fit and there is no physical trouble during the matches.Besides,cricket players are globally famous in some cases and more influential comparing the television stars which is another positive impact.




I'm going to talk about a swimming race,which took place in the Rio Olympic Game in 2016.When mentioning significant sport games in the entire world,the Olympic Game is absolutely the most renowned and influential one among people of all nations.And swimming races have always been a highlight of summer Olympic Games,especially for Chinese spectators.As a swimming buff,I enjoy watching them very much.

I still remember the most impressive race was men's 200 meters freestyle final,which was aired live on television and I had even set the alarm clock in case of missing the game.During the course,8 world-class athletes competed for the honor of individual as well as their own nations,including Chinese metal hopeful Sun Yang.At the beginning,the race was tight.Every participant seemed to swim the first half conservatively and there was almost no difference in their speed.Until the second half,Sun Yang,who was regarded as the gold medal favorite,noticeably accelerated his pace with lightning speed and successfully captured the gold metal.

Even now,when I recall the moment that Sun Yong won the champion,I'll feel excited and even hyper.



swimming buff

men's 200 meters freestyle final

air live

句型:When mentioning significant sport games in the entire world,the Olympic Game is absolutely the most renowned and influential one among people of all nations.

Until the second half,Sun Yang,who was regarded as the gold medal favorite,noticeably accelerated his pace with lightning speed and successfully captured the gold metal.


Describe a sport game you've watched

When did you watch it

Where did you watch this game

Who did you watch it with

And explain why do you like it




I love to take part in outdoor sports and football is my favorite one.In fact,I also like to watch the football tournaments on TV.I watch it on CCTV-5 and twice a week.And I never miss the event when my country plays football in an international tournament.Every Friday and Saturday night,around 8:00 p.m.,I will sit on the couch to enjoy the game.Football requires two teams of players and each of the team will consist of 11 players.Besides,there are some specific positions in the team.Not everyone is allowed to play with the ball always.The team division helps to decide priority with the ball.Some of the players are to attack with the ball while there are some other players to prevent the attack from the opposition attackers.Besides,there are two goalkeepers who try to prevent the football to enter into the net.The game runs for 90 minutes and there is a break after 45 minutes.All the players take the break to energize themselves.The team which can score more goals becomes the winner.

The following are the reasons why I like watching football games.First of all,it is able to remove tiredness from the body and helps to concentrate on a specific issue.Besides,the football players are able to endure a huge amount of physical labour.They are to run for over one hour and thus they become flexible with physical labour.Furthermore,I like watching the sport because this is a great one that helps to reduce stress.On the other side,it improves the cardiovascular functions and bone strengths.

If someone wants to lose weight,this is a great source for him or her.Continuous running helps to burn unwanted fat from the body.Another important aspect of the sport is it helps to enhance the confidence level.This game requires fewer costs.Considering all the issues,I like watching this game very much.


Describe a sport you would like to learn

Please say:

What sport it is?

When will you learn it?

How will you learn it?

Why do you want to learn this particular sport?





If I get the chance and nothing unusual happens,I would like to start playing basketball soon.This is a sport that fascinates me a lot and after 4-5 months when I will finish my graduation,I will start playing this game on a regular basis.In fact some of my neighbours already play this game every evening in a nearby basketball playground and all I have to do is start playing with them.

They are very close to me and they’ll definitely welcome me to join their team.I will need to buy a pair of sports trousers and shoes and spend some money to start playing it.Actuality the expense is very low and that wouldn’t be a problem for me to start the activity.

Though I often watched this game on television or in our local play-ground,I never played it myself.May be I was bit anxious about the performance or skill of mine in this game and that’s why I have not started it yet.I planned to start playing it when I was in grade 9,but because my family had to move to a new city,I could not start it.

This is a game that fascinates me and since I often watch it on television,I have a great passion about it.Two of my previous attempts to start playing this game were ruined and I feel somehow that has enhanced my interest about this game even more.I need to shape my body and I found it would be a great game to do so.That’s the most important reason I want to start it as soon as possible.

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