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课程分类 适合学员
IELTS VIP小班 习惯小班上课,需要老师关注的学员
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来源: 苏州新东方雅思托福学校时间:2021/11/10 16:56:36 浏览量:121






Topic:Describe a time you were close to a wild animal.

You should say:

what animal it was

where you saw it what happened

when you saw it

and explain how do people in your country feel about this animal.

Sample answer:

The south China tiger is one of the endangered and rather precious species of carnivores in China.It is well acknowledged that they are as valuable as the pandas,due to their only presence in China all over the world.

The reason why people call them the south China tiger is because they live in south of China.Most of them were living in the mountains and forests in Hunan,Fujian,Guangdong,Henan and Shanxi Province.Technically,you could find them in the forest land and wild area where wild boar,buffalo and many kinds of deer were abundant.However,from 1950s,people began to hunt them,which caused huge declining.

Although the government set laws to protect them,the illegal hunting was continued.So,now I'm very sad to tell you that many experts believed that south China tiger has been extinct in the wild area.

There are only about 100 south China tigers living in several zoos and breed base places.All of them are feeding by people,which is a tragedy coz they are wild animals.But we don't have other choice,we have to protect them,they are going to die out.

In the past time,many animal photographers are devoted in taking photos of south China tigers.Thanks to them,we now have many valuable pictures when they were living in the wild area.


Task:Describe a wild animal you have seen.

Sample answer:

Tiger is a wild animal which is very common in our country.It is the largest animal of the cat species and grow up quite large.It can grow up to 11 feet and can weight more than 300 kg.Tigers generally live about 25 years and they require a large habitat area that supports their prey requirements.

Most of the tigers of the world are found in the widely are across Asia,Turkey and Russia.The most recognizable feature of a tiger is its dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside.They have got a big head and sharp teeth claws.It is a carnival animal that mostly depends on the meat of other animals.The largest number of tigers can be found in India and the total subspecies and the numbers of tigers are decreasing over time.Tigers are good swimmers and are often found crossing rivers and lakes in heavy tides.

Tigers usually hunt alone unlike other animals that prey in group.They first target their prey and aim at it.When the target is fixed,it attacks with a sudden ferocity overpowering the prey with the strength and size.Tigers have great leaping ability and can run very fast.

This formidable large wild animal is getting extinct over time and they have become numbered in the world.Approximately only 3500 tigers are present in the world and the number is decreasing.Many tigers are held in the zoo for public and they usually live on supplied meat.

In my opinion,since human is superior to any other living species,we have a responsibility to prevent the extinction of the tiger as we are the primary reason for their extinction.Wild animals are part of the eco-system we live in an we have a natural responsibility to preserve a balanced eco-system for our own good.


I always have this wild obsession about wolves.This may sound odd since wolves have been the major preference of writers when theyare looking for the baddies in the cartoons or fairy tales,like the one in the little red riding hood,in real life,wolves have a long history of association withhumans,having been despised and hunted in most pastoral communities due totheir attacks on livestock.

Wolves live in apack and they have a leader,a guide who is responsible for directing the packand keeping it safe.Wolves certainly do howl,it is still unknown why theyhowl at the moon,but the image,however,appears to be lonely and scary.Thewolf’s howl is actually a form of communication,they may howl as a form ofmaking friends,or as a warning,or to indicate that they are lost and needhelp.

Wolves are in the news these days,especially with thecontroversial opinions that people have on them.

I became interested in wolves during the time whenI was reading the novel called the wolf totem,in this book the author gives abrand-new introduction of the wolves mainly focusing on their behaviors andspirits.I was inspired by their ambition of chasing the ultimate goal;I alsoimpressed by their courage of challenging the limits and boundaries,I wasstunned by their persistence of always pursuing everlasting victories.Sometime I even have dreams about wolves,I wouldn’tcall them nightmares maybe the dreams do indicate some intensions that exist deepdown in my heart.


Tiger is a wild animal which is very common in our country.It the largest animal of the cat species and grow up quite large.It can grow up to 11 feet in height and can weight more than 300 kg.Tigers generally live about 25 years and they require a large habitat area that supports their prey requirements.

Most of the tigers of the world are found in the widely are across Asia,Turkey and Russia.The most recognizable feature of a tiger is its dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside.They have got a big head and sharp teeth claws.It is a carnival animal that mostly depends on the meat of other animals.The largest number of tigers can be found in India and the total subspecies and the numbers of tigers are decreasing over time.Tigers are good simmers and are often found crossing rivers and lakes in heavy tides.

In my opinion,since human is superior to any other living species,we have a responsibility to prevent the extinction of the tiger as we are the primary reason for their extinction.

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