


  新通雅思课程 0基础到7分多段可选

  面授/网课/集训 大课/小课/VIP课 全日制/晚课/周末课


  适合人群 词汇量 > 2000或词汇量2000-2500或词汇量3000左右

  课程特点 夯实基础,为理想成绩打好基础


  适合人群 雅思4-4.5/5-5.5/6-6.5分左右学生

  课程特点 掌握基础题目答题技巧;熟悉运用技巧,稳定拿到基础题目分数;重点攻克难题,查漏补缺


  适合人群 雅思四个单项中有相对比较薄弱的学生

  课程特点 加强雅思单项语言能力


  适合人群 有个性化定制需求的学生

  课程特点 根据个人情况多方位定制课程方案,达到个性化需求目标


  Sure, here's an example IELTS speaking answer for describing a dynasty in Chinese history:

  Today, I'd like to talk about one of the most significant dynasties in Chinese history, the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty was a great and flourishing dynasty that lasted from 618 to 907 AD. During this period, China experienced a golden age of cultural, economic and political development.

  Firstly, the Tang Dynasty was known for its highly advanced culture. Poetry, literature, music, art, and dance flourished during this time, with the Tang Dynasty producing some of the greatest works in each of these areas. In particular, the poetry of the Tang Dynasty is famous for its romanticism, beauty, and depth of meaning.

  Secondly, the Tang Dynasty was known for its economic development. This dynasty was responsible for developing the Silk Road, which was a series of trade routes that facilitated economic and cultural exchanges between China and the West. The Tang Dynasty also issued a paper currency system that stimulated commerce and trade.

  Finally, the Tang Dynasty was a powerful political force that expanded China's borders and consolidated power domestically. During this dynasty, China was reunited, and the country's capital, Chang'an, became one of the largest and most cosmopolitan cities in the world.

  Overall, the Tang Dynasty was a crucial period in Chinese history, characterized by great cultural, social, and political development.

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