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1. 专业的AEAS培训教学团队及服务团队;

2. 科学管理,签约;

3. 原版澳大利亚AEAS培训教程及内部全真模拟试题双管齐下;


4. 精品小班化教学,增加教学高质量,并支持一对一教学模式;

5. 90%的培训学员培训后英语成绩能达到60分以上(原始分100分计算);

6. 学员调查满意度98%以上,90%学员培训后提升幅度30分以上(英语成绩)。


1. 优朗帮你找到AEAS备考方向,点对点突破训练,对症下药,使学习更有针对性;

2. 优朗让你享受到专属个性化的学习规划,由老师带着你一步一步达成目标;

3. 优朗给你配备六对一的服务管理团队,全心全意为你的学习保驾护航;

4. 你将摆脱千篇一律的大班授课,享受优朗小班教学、一对一辅导、VIP教学的全新体验;

5. 你还可以选择现代化的网络课堂课程模式,优质、、灵活、便捷地进行AEAS学习。








1. 实体面授

2. 网络远程面对面授课。


1. 授课时间灵活,不耽误学生在国内学校的日常学习;

2. 上课地点不限,学生可以足不出户、在家上课;

3. 个性化辅导,根据学生不同情况定制具有针对性的备考学习方案;

4. 国内在线互动视频面对面教学,学生与老师可以实时交流、相互沟通;

5. 六对一立体式教学服务,全天候在线答疑,全天候微信一对一学习跟踪。




1.考试; 2.澳洲中学择校推荐。





来源:杭州优朗国际英语中心时间:2019/5/23 17:24:58 浏览量:277

A: I’m looking forward to relaxing this coming weekend.

B: I hope that I can finally find free time too. I’ve been so busy at work recently.

A; how might you spend the weekend.

B; I hope to do a little gardening. I find it very relaxing.

A: I might do that too. I hope the weather is nice. I could go and play some golf.

B; I heard that the weather should be good. There’s a possibility of a shower, but it’s not very likely.

A; hopefully, we’ll both have relaxing weekends.

B; of course, something could come up and stop that wish coming true.

A: unfortunately, there’s always the possibility of some urgent work requiring our attention.

A: what do you hope to do when you finish university?

B; I’d like to go into management. I’ve applied for several jobs already and I’m hopeful that I’ll get some job offers. How about you?

A; after I graduate, I have to do some more studies to pass exams to become a lawyer. I think I’ve got a good chance of passing. There’s a possibility of getting a job with a law firm in London, provide that I do well.

B; we both have to overcome several obstacles if we are to achieve our ambitions.

A: if life were easy, then we’d achieve our ambition quickly and then get bored.

B: unfortunately, it’s inevitable that some people are going to work hard yet not succeed.

A: that’s why ambition need to be realistic. You can’t achieve something that’s totally unrealistic.

B; as long as you plan carefully, most thing are possible. It’s always good to have a backup plan in case things go wrong.

A: I think it’s important to be successful in a field you are truly interested in, not something that other people force you to be interested it.

B: my father wanted me to become a doctor, but I knew it would be impossible for me to be successful in that field.

A: I hope my parents don’t try to interfere in my choice of career.

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